, February 10, 2025

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Do Dietary Cholesterol and Saturated Fat Cause Heart Attacks in Everyone?

  •   10 min reads
Do Dietary Cholesterol and Saturated Fat Cause Heart Attacks in Everyone?

We touched on this subject in a previous article - Does Saturated Fat Increase LDL Cholesterol?

But, I want to enter this cholesterol, saturated fat, and blood lipid argument again from a slightly different vantage point that has been vehemently debated in nutritional sciences for the last ~80 to 100 years.

Are Eggs Healthy?


Eggs are a source of bioavailable protein, and whole eggs seem to pump up muscle protein synthesis more than just egg whites [1]...maybe [2].

This could maybe even translate into a slight advantage of whole eggs over egg whites for muscle hypertrophy [3, 4].

Eggs also contain nearly all our essential vitamins and every trace mineral [5]. They are also rich in choline, a nutrient that 90% of Americans don’t get enough of [6].

Now for the potential bad news, an egg yolk also contains around ~200 mg of cholesterol and ~1.5 grams of saturated fat.

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